Frequently Asked Questions

How are students selected for Phi Beta Kappa?

Students are invited to join each spring based on their G.P.A., major, and minimum course requirements in mathematics and foreign language. See the Membership section for full details.

Are transfer students eligible?

Yes. Transfer students must meet the same requirements for membership as other CSU students.

I graduated last year. Why am I getting an invitation now?

The Phi Beta Kappa chapter at Colorado State University only elects new members once a year. This means that both students who graduated in December 2020 and those who will graduate in May 2021 will be invited to the same 2021 initiation.

Why should I join?

Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest, most well-known, and most prestigious of all academic honor societies in the country. It is recognized across all disciplines as a mark of excellence. Read more about Phi Beta Kappa to learn about the organization. In joining, you will be among other distinguished scholars past, present and future. See the impressive list of famous Phi Beta Kappa members.

On a more pragmatic level, lifetime membership in Phi Beta Kappa does not require anything from you beyond the one-time initiation fees. Unlike other honor societies, there are no ongoing obligations of service or dues. After election to Phi Beta Kappa, you may choose to participate in a local association, but participation is not required. As part of your membership, you will receive a lifetime subscription to The Key Reporter, the quarterly Phi Beta Kappa newsletter.

What does it cost to become a member?

As of 2022, the total one-time (lifetime) dues are $85 for the national organization and $15 for the local chapter. We have been waiving the local fee due to the financial conditions caused by the global pandemic. Also, financial assistance is available.

Will I have to pay annual dues?

No. The initiation fee is a one-time charge.

Do I have to buy a key if I join?

No. The purchase of a key is entirely optional. See The Key Collection for available products.

I still have questions. Who should I talk to?

Contact one of the Phi Beta Kappa officers or send us an email and let us know what questions you have. You might also ask your advisor or one of the campus members for more information.

Every year the chapter receives emails and phone calls from students after initiation who regret not joining Phi Beta Kappa when first asked. With very few exceptions, it is too late for them to join. Don't let this happen to you!